Blockchain Workshop

Smart Contracts in Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric

26 Mar 2022

Virtual (on Zoom)

blockchain workshop


  2:00 PM - 2:30 PM   Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric by Ruan Pingcheng (SBIP)

  2:30 PM - 3:30 PM   Smart Contracts in Hyperledger Fabric by Ruan Pingcheng (SBIP)

  3:30 PM - 4:00 PM   Introduction to Ethereum by Dumitrel Loghin (SBIP)

  4:00 PM - 4:30 PM   Break

  4:30 PM - 5:30 PM   Smart Contracts in Ethereum by Ren Kunpeng (SBIP)

  5:30 PM - 6:30 PM   Cross-chain Transactions with Hashed Timelock Contracts by Ren Kunpeng (SBIP)


Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric

In this talk, Pingcheng will introduce Hyperledger Fabric, a popular permissioned blockchain based on the execute-order-validate transaction flow.

Introduction to Ethereum

In this talk, Dumitrel will introduce Ethereum, a widely-known public blockchain that allows decentralized execution of smart contracts.

Smart Contracts in Hyperledger Fabric

In this talk, Pingcheng will demonstrate how to run smart contracts in Hyerledger Fabric. He will also highlight the distinctions of execute-order-validate transaction flow in Fabric, as opposed to other conventional blockchains.

Smart Contracts in Ethereum

In this talk, Kunpeng will introduce ERC-20, a famous smart contract template that allows users to define their own tokens. He will show how to deploy an ERC-20 smart contract on Ethereum.

Cross-chain Transactions with Hashed Timelock Contracts

In this talk, Kunpeng will show how to directly transfer tokens between Ethereum and Binance using Hashed Timelock Smart Contracts.


Dumitrel Loghin

Research Assistant Professor (SBIP/NUS)

Ruan Pingcheng

Research Fellow (SBIP/NUS)

Ren Kunpeng

Research Assistant (SBIP/NUS)

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